Gabriel meets up with Syd, to ask for help

Syd-Feeling him before he even walked in, knowing he would be here for some reason and my guess was Skyler, she finally had text me back, but never mentioned Gabriel coming for a visit.
Picking up the phone, “Yeah Jackie when he asks for me, just send him in to the office.” placing the phone back on the cradle.
Pulling the drawer out, grabbing the file when I hear a knock at the door.
“Come in Gabriel” watching the door open, he was still as handsome as ever, to bad he was Sky’s dad. Standing up to greet him, holding out my hand and nodding as he takes mine. “What do I owe the pleasure?” he smiles.
“Does there need to be a reason Syd ?” he said, as he takes a seat.
sitting down behind the desk, smiling at him. “Let’s cut the bullshit Gabriel, the only time you come and see me, is when someone is in trouble, or Sky or at the time Lassiter needed help. So why don’t we just stop with all the niceties and get on with business?”

Gabriel- Smiling at Syd, “Well it is nice to see you also?” grinning at her, watching as she preens herself.

“So Gabriel can I assume this is not a visit of pleasure more of business?” she says as she watches me intently.

She always looked so well polished, for a black angel she was very beautiful, her protégé was the same but was not so well groomed, she did not have the tact and polish that Syd had. “No it is both Syd, Sky is struggling, as you can imagine. I was with her all night she is not fairing well at all. She has requested I take her life again, I am worried she is ticking time bomb, but I saw your text to her this morning and was wondering what she was getting you to look in to?”

She sat at the desk, just listening but, the wheels in her mind were going I knew that much.

Syd-Leaning forward, hearing the news of Sky did not surprised me, she had text me months ago, asking for some information of the people who hired her for the job that took her family in the explosion, it did not surprised me that she was going off the hinges either. She has had nothing but bad luck, but she was the one person, that I respected cause she could do real damage to my kind. Also she had always trusted and respected me, she and Lassiter.

“Gabriel, I don’t know what you are asking for her, Sky is the one that requested the information, not you and as for her coming unhinged does not surprised me one bit, she lost every one she loved in a matter of minutes. That is not something you just come back from, I am not sure what you expect me to do her? I know the poor angel was just trying to save his kid, hell we all felt the loss of the family.

Watching as Gabriel, stands up and wrings his hands together thinking something is off here, “Gabriel what have you fucking done now?” he stops and looks at me. “I found Aless alive Syd but she does not remember from what I can tell the last ten years, her memory was zapped, it is like a black hole, and Skyler doesn’t know, and I am worried if I tell Sky she is going to go and smother, Aless what should I do ?” looking at Gabriel dumbfounded.

Gabriel- Watching a range on emotions cross Syd’s face, she still just kept staring like I would grow horns or something.

She began to talk and stumbled.” Look Gabriel, you have to tell her if Aless is alive but, I have not felt her at all, I was always pulled could pick up on the energy of the family and nothing, hell I can barely feel Sky anymore. So are you even sure it is Aless not just some look alike?”

Pulling out my cell phone and going to the picture, sliding it on the desk to Syd, “You tell me that is not my grand daughter?” watching as she leaned over the phone, watching as she looks up at me and back to the phone, when I hear her let out a low whistle. “Gabriel, where is she and how can she be alive and Sky, can’t feel her?” she asks.

Taking my seat, leaning back ” That is what I am trying to figure out, also how is it she has been here the whole time, but what I need is for you to help me, Aless knows her parents are dead and her brother, even though sky is still very much alive, I’m running out of time Syd, Aless does not know who I am and worse she is totally oblivious to who she really is, Sky’s will to live is dying minute by minute, hell she begged me like a dog to kill her Syd, she has nothing to live for in her eye’s”
Syd- Listening to him, he was finding it hard not being able to do anything for her, hell we all felt that way Skyler went off, everyone’s grid it was not till few months ago, that I finally heard from her but to find out Ali was alive. “Shit” saying under my breath.

“You have to tell her Gabriel, if you don’t and she finds out you will no longer have a daughter and grand daughter cause in Sky’s state she will kill you, you daughter deserves to know her child is alive, yes she is a mess, she is hurting, scared and I can only imagine how she is feeling right now, but she has ever right to know about Aless. I will assist you anyway, I am able of course but I am not sure what I can do ?” as he leans forward in the chair, watching as his brows crease.

Gabriel -Taking a deep breath, as I try and figure out how to say this. ” I need you to shadow Skyler for me, when she comes back for her trip, I know she is getting ready and the anniversary is in three days, which means she will be back here, Ali is in Las Vegas. I am heading there after here to introduce myself again and figure out where her head space is, and if or what she can remember, but my worry is that sky is going to try something stupid, she is in the frame of mind.” taking a deep breath,

“Syd I have seen my daughter go through a lot in her life but I have never seen her like this, she is skin and bones, she barely eats and then she goes out and fights, and with out a care in the world like she is hoping she will get killed. I can’t watch it anymore she is lost soul” She needs us and right now that is all she has, so can you do that for me?” looking after her.

Syd- Nodding my head at the male, he was really at a loss. “Of course I can do that Gabriel and when are you going to tell her about Ali?” watching as he runs a head down his face.

” I hope to tell her soon, but first I have to speak with Ali and see what is up and how the hell she survived.” shaking his head.

“I will do my best to watch over Sky, Gabe but she is good at figuring us all out, and she can vanish off the radar in a matter of seconds, she has cut everyone off before they can get close and if we run in to demons, or any other fun buddies to fight then, I will step in but if I do and she see’s me you know she will leave.” he sits there quietly, he knew I was right, cause Sky had been doing it to him for almost two freaking years.

“Just do your best for me okay? I have to deal with Ali and who knows how that is going to go. I will touch base with you daily to keep each other in the loop, and when I can I will bring Ali.” he stands up and shakes my hand, “Thank you Syd, I know that Skyler respects you, maybe if someone is telling her what I have been telling her she will listen, so thanks again.” nodding my head at him and handing him back his cell phone, as he turns and walks out of the door.

Sitting back in my chair, wondering how the hell this was going to work tailing Sky was going to be a bitch, but she needed it now more then anything. Picking up my phone to make arrangements, looks like Caldwell was my destination.


You- Keaton Henson

It was coming, the hurt the numbness the pure anguish, pain I did not want to do this again and yet I knew it was coming the day I would take the bottle of JD the shit kickers, the flowers and the newest cd’s of music, I thought my babies would like in hopes they would fight over them where ever they were resting, I knew my mate would be keeping them safe, but where was that place, I could not touch or access.

Looking around the room I called home now was like me a shell of nothingness, void of feeling. I did not want to feel anymore my father, my friends my world was just a void of nothing and no one. I liked it that way no getting close to anyone then no more loss, no more hurt.

Losing my family broke something in me, forever felt like I was being punished for what and why was beyond me, I loved hard, fierce protected those I held dear but I could not save them, could not help them or even hold them I failed them, for what nothing, I begged my father to save them “I can’t Sky its to late there gone” what good is having a Arch angel for a father when he is useless to bring back my only family, that was the day I tuned out my powers walked from everyone, there was no point, that was the day I swore I would ever use my so called gifts and powers I was done I was gone.

I was not gone the pain was not gone, I had the yearly and daily reminder of what I had lost , what I would never have again it was like a choking smoke that killed me day after day, it was the reminder I was alive, I begged my father to take me, to kill me make the pain stop, I begged like a dying animal. “No, Sky” that was the only answer I got.

I felt the day moving closer the day I would head back and collect the bottle of JD for my mate, select the most expensive shit kickers, remembering the fights over his leaving stuff all over the room, or him getting mad at the dog for chewing on them, running my hand over my back knowing my mates mark was fading day by day, I miss him his love his beauty and his fierce loyalty to help other.

The next day is the trip to the music store talking to kid who would remind me of my son Ramiel and our trips to the store and on some level when he spoke, so enthusiastically about new music, who would tell me about the best bands, the best artists around I would hear Rammie, or even feel him bumping in to my shoulder and then hug me when no one was looking, and kiss my cheek.

The morning before the trip to the graveyard I would go to mine and Aless’s favourite flower shop and collect the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers for her, I will hear that bell above the door and hear Aless’s voice, like when her and I would spend time in the florist shop admiring the flowers, then go shopping and lunch it was a weekly trip, I would have to do it all over again.

Wiping the tears away , I stand up and head to the kitchen when I hear my phone beep, grabbing it seeing it is from Kelsy:: I have the info you asked for, it is small but good lead, when are you coming back to the states Sky?::

Throwing the phone on my counter, head for the glass when it hits that wave of pain screaming as I throw the cup against the wall as it falls and shatters to the ground as I follow it to the ground “NO BRING THEM BACK PLEASE SOMEONE” Hitting the ground with my arms, till I am spent and my voice is gone and blood is everywhere from hitting my arms so hard, I lay on the ground feel the wet cold of the floor as I feel the faint pain of my tattoo dying away ever so slowly, “why did you take them, why ?” closing my eyes as my body shakes from exhaustion.

“One more year one more reminder please someone just take me too so I can be with them, I can’t be alive with out them anymore, PLEASE” I yell in to dead space as my anger pours out in sobs one more time before I let sleep take me.